Welcome to Kelly's Corner


Need some expert advice for getting through these difficult times?
You're in the right place...

In this video series, Kelly Daugherty, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, shares information and strategies to help you cope with the current coronavirus outbreak.



young people handing older man bag of groceries

Back to Normal?

Are we heading towards a return to normal?

people gathering outdoors

Relaxed Guidelines

Transitioning safely out of "pandemic mode"

healthy breakfast

Starting the New Year

Begin the New Year in positive ways

parent helping child with school work

Staying Cautious

The range of decisions facing families

child finger painting

Parenting in COVID

Some tips for parents and grandparents

people celebrating

Holiday Gatherings

Making decisions around being with family


Guided Imagery

Kelly leads a visualization

woman meditating

Relaxation Tips

Some tips to help you reduce stress

Two people on a virtual chat

Post Holiday Tips

Getting through the rest of the winter months

Older woman smiling

Staying Present

Alleviate stress through mindfulness and meditation

person being comforted by another

Emotional Wellness

Keeping physical and mental health in good shape

Mother and son sitting at a table

Pandemic Fatigue

Coping with an extended pandemic

Family on a virtual chat

Holiday Stress

Celebrating safely during the pandemic

Person looking at their phone in bed

News Stress

Some tips for handling stress brought on by the news



  • Sleep - Kelly’s Corner

    Kelly talks about the importance of getting a good night's sleep, especially during stressful times, and offers some tips about how to cultivate good sleeping habits.