Family Caregiver Support

The Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) provides support for people who are caring for an aging parent, spouse or partner, friend or neighbor, or an older adult who is raising a grandchild or caring for an adult child with disabilities.

If you’re a caregiver, you are not alone. Did you know...

  • One quarter of American families—or roughly 54 million people—care for an older family member, an adult child with disabilities, or a friend.
  • Nearly 44% of all caregivers are men.
  • More than one in three caregivers live with the care recipient.
  • More than half of family caregivers are between the ages of 35 and 64—struggling to balance caregiving with working and raising children.

Finding ways to cope with the strains and stresses of caregiving can be challenging, but we are here to help. These are some of the services we provide:

  • Assessments to help you identify services and support needs for you and your loved one
  • Information about resources, and referrals to specific services and programs that meet your needs
  • Counseling to help you cope with the stress, worry, and loneliness that caregivers often experience
  • Education and training in skills that caregiving requires and specialized support in dealing with the effects of Alzheimer's Disease and dementia
  • In-person and virtual support groups where caregivers share the joys and challenges of caregiving, along with helpful tips and resources
  • Individual meetings with caregivers and families to work on plans for providing the best care available for their loved one
  • Assistance in finding respite care to obtain “time off” from caregiving responsibilities
  • Special events and programs that provide connections for caregivers and care recipients with people who understand and support them in their journey

Caregiving can turn your life upside down.  We’ll help you get it right again.


For caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's Disease / Dementia:

The Alzheimer's Association 
24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 for resources and support groups



Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease?

The most common symptoms of Alzheimer's diesease:

  • Loss of memory, decreased ability to learn, and decreased attention span
  • Loss of thinking ability, judgment, and decision making
  • Loss of ability to recall the appropriate word or phrase
  • Loss of mathematical ability
  • Disorientation: gets lost; can't find way home
  • Loss of physical coordination: inability to perform skilled motor acts
  • Changes in personality: the outgoing person may become withdrawn; the loving person may become uncaring
  • Changes in emotion, including agitation, depression and suspiciousness
  • Loss of initiative; indifferent

What other symptoms could occur?

Some of the more difficult symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease are:

  • Loss of ability to communicate
  • Loss of ability to recall family members and/or close friends
  • Difficulty with common tasks, like driving a car
  • Loss of independence
  • Awareness of memory changes
  • Confusion and inability to follow instructions
  • Inability to perform daily tasks
  • Repetition of phrases and stories
  • Wandering
  • Loss of social Inhibition (public displays of sexuality)
  • Accusations of sexual misbehavior and of stealing
  • Changes in personality, including rage and withdrawal
  • Verbal profanity when outside of normal personality
  • Refusal to give up driving a car

What are some early signs which might indicate Alzheimer's Disease or other related dementia?

What is the best way to communicate with someone who has Alzheimer's or dementia, and also has hearing or vision limitations?

If the person has difficulty hearing:
• Approach the person from the front
• Stand directly in front of the person when speaking to him or her
• Get the person's attention by saying his or her name, and give a gentle touch
• Speak slowly and clearly
• Use a lower tone of voice
• Use unspoken communication like pointing, gesturing or touch
• Write things down, if needed
• If he or she has a hearing aid, encourage the person to wear it; check the battery often

If the person has difficulty seeing:
• Avoid startling the person
• Don 't make loud noises or sudden movements
• Identify yourself as you approach the person
• Tell the person of your intentions before you begin
• Use large-print or audiotape materials, if available
• If he or she has glasses, encourage the person to wear them; keep them clean and have the prescription checked regularly


Michele Parr, Caregiver Specialist
781-599-0110, Ext. 6635,  or

Who is this program best for?

We offer free services to any resident of Lynn, Lynnfield, Nahant, Saugus, or Swampscott, who is caring for a family member or friend or caregivers of people age 60 and older who live in our service area.  We are available to talk with you about your caregiving challenges and how our program might be of help to you.  Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. Call or email Michele Parr, Caregiver Specialist, at 781-599-0110 ext. 6635 or

(If you do not live in any of these communities, you can visit to find a similar program in your home area)

As always, if this program isn't right for you, we will work to find a program to fit your particular needs. Please call us with any questions between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM , Monday through Friday, or email us any time at

Where can I get more information?
To learn more about aging services in Massachusetts, call 1-800-age-info (1-800-243-4636) or visit


Father and Son Walking Outside

Program Brochure

Family Caregiver Brochure

Family Caregiver

Support Program

Click the Caregiver Brochure to download the brochure for the Family Caregiver Support Program.