The GLSS Area Plan

The GLSS 2022-2025 Area Plan is intended to serve as a blueprint for the agency’s Title III-funded programs while also sketching out key elements of GLSS’s overall future directions.

The Area Plan was approved by the Executive Office of  Aging & Independence (formerly the Executive Office of Elder Affairs), which noted:
“The Greater Lynn Senior Services Area Plan on Aging, 2022-2025, illuminates your agency’s commitment to develop plans, policies, and progress to assure that older adults and their caregivers have access to aging services that promote thriving communities. In supporting positive aging, the Greater Lynn AAA identifies programs, services, and partnerships along with plans for development – to serve as an effective and visible advocate for older adults. The Plan is well conceived, skillfully presented, and communicates an engaged effort to direct a comprehensive and coordinated system for serving older adults and caregivers in the Planning and Service Area (PSA).”



GLSS Draft Area Plan 2018-2021