Older Man and Woman Making a Hawaiin Craft

Counseling and Support

Getting older isn’t always easy.  Sometimes it helps to get some advice, speak with a professional counselor, or talk with others in a group setting who are experiencing the same feelings you are.  Through several programs, we offer confidential, one-on-one and group counseling in support of caregivers and older adults living with other life challenges.  We also provide trained volunteers to assist people in better understanding their health insurance benefits; information about options for long-term care and other community resources; and advocacy and social connections for LGBTQ older adults.


  • Caregiver Support
    For people caring for an aging parent, spouse, or an adult child with disabilities, or an older adult raising a grandchild   Caregiving can turn your life upside down. We’ll help you get it right again.

  • Mental Health Counseling
    Depression and anxiety are common, treatable conditions. Our licensed counselors will meet with you privately, confidentially, in your home, and help you develop a plan to feel better.

  • Addiction Counseling
    Compassionate, non-judgmental counseling for people living with addictions

  • Hoarding Outreach
    If your home environment has become unsafe or unhealthy, because of too many pets or possessions, we can help.

  • Health Benefits/SHINE Counseling
    Help unraveling the sometimes confusing world of health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

  • Options Counseling
    When you know all your options for long-term support services that can help you live safely in the community, you can make better choices about your future.

  • LGBTQ Support
    No matter what path your life takes, or who you want to spend the journey with, we're here to help.

  • Kelly's Corner
    A video series focused on coping strategies during the COVID-19 outbreak.