Some Helpful Links and Information for Consumers



Mindfulness Matters

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Tune into Stillness
A tip for fostering tranquility 
An effective way to develop inner calm is to place your attention on something that is already calm—this could be a tree, a cloud, a building, or an item on a shelf. Notice which parts of your experience feel still or relaxed and make the decision to rest your mind there. This is relatively easy if we are in a quiet place, but it is just as possible when we are somewhere noisy and busy—you will find moments of stillness everywhere if you look for them. Finding stillness and turning the mind there means you can have access to rest wherever you are.


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Where is My Mind Now?
A tip for staying focused and in the moment 
The distractions of modern life pull our attention in a dozen directions, so becoming distracted and losing track of mindfulness is natural. If you find yourself overwhelmed by distractions, asking the question, “Where is my mind now?” can be a very effective way to bring yourself back into present awareness. Try repeating this phrase to yourself when you find your attention bouncing around, and over time, you will start to learn a great deal about where your mind tends to wander when left to its own devices.


Walk the Walk
A tip for focusing the mind through movement 
Physical movement brings us into the moment. When our attention is resting with the body and its movements, there is less room for agitating thoughts to spin us into worry. This restful but dynamic state is available all the time, and the best way to encourage it is to put all your attention on how walking feels as you’re doing it. Let yourself become the walking and enjoy how connecting and peaceful that experience can be.


City of Lynn COVID resource page

For information about COVID-19, visit

Couple walking on the beach

Here are some links to helpful documents about falls, risk of falls, and falls prevention:

Let's Talk About Falls

6 Steps to Prevent Falls - English and Espanol

4 Things You Can Do to Prevent Falls

Check Your Risk for Falling

Check for Safety Checklist

5 Quick Home Modifications

More Home Modification Suggestions

More information about falls and falls prevention can be found at


Kelly's Corner

In this video series, Kelly Daugherty, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, shares with you information and some strategies for coping with the current coronavirus outbreak.

Click here to see the complete Kelly's Corner video series.

Episode 12
In this episode, Kelly talks about practicing mindfulness and meditation as a means to handle stress. Being absorbed in and focused on an activity brings you into the present and can help you relax.

Illustration of the human mind


More Helpful Links

Veterans Web Resource

Make the Connection logo

Make the Connection is an online resource for Veterans of all ages and their friends and families for information on the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges, descriptions of research-based treatment options, and videos of Veterans sharing their own inspiring stories of recovery.


Coronavirus Awareness

Woman sneezing into a tissue

We have created a video related to the Coronavirus which contains information you may find useful and may not have seen or read about yet. The goal of the video is to demonstrate why this virus is unique and how efforts are being made to defeat it. This video is the beginning of a series meant to keep you abreast of best practices and the ways society is adapting as the disease continues to spread.

This video explains what's working to limit the spread of the coronavirus and what it means to "flatten the curve."


Housing Information

LHAND logo

RAFT Program Information
The Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program may be able to assist eligible households with up to $4,000 in a 12 month period with rent, mortgage, and utility arrears OR security deposit, and first & last month’s rent. For more information and to start the process of applying go to:

Lynn Housing Authority RAFT Program

Click here for a link to a helpful chart that compares the symptoms associated with a cold, the flu, allergies, and COVID-19.

SPUR makes volunteering at any age easy by providing accessible opportunities that meet the tangible needs of the community. We offer a variety of thoughtful and flexible engagement opportunities that result in rewarding volunteer experiences and measurable community impact. These include making meals at home for those experiencing homelessness, sewing pillowcases at our office which become bundles of cheer for our Holiday Cheer Drive, and countless other opportunities each week. To find out more, click here to visit their website.

Click the image above for some tips for those acting as caregivers for people with dementia. The basic rules of survival for caregivers, the “do’s and don’ts” of good dementia care and communication, are easily forgotten in the heat of the moment or when patience hits a low point.  Caregivers often forget they need to relax, refocus, and regroup in order to build patience, perseverance, and peace.